I chose Heidelberg because of the friendly atmosphere and the connections the faculty make with their students.
I majored in Accounting because I fell in love with the stories that numbers tell and I was excited for the opportunity to help others through the field of accounting.
A major challenge I encountered while at Heidelberg was balancing work, school, campus extracurriculars and a new marriage. I handled it by being open and honest with my friends and professors when I needed help (or assignment extensions).
Above all, Heidelberg prepared me to work with those around me. From classroom group projects to organizing events in the different groups I am a part of, I have learned the importance of working as a cohesive team when trying to accomplish a goal.
Outside of the classroom, I was involved in Student Alumni Association (SAA), Cru, Religious Life Council and multiple accounting internships. I also joined the Ping Pong Club for one semester.
My favorite extra-curricular activity was Cru because I enjoyed being in community with my fellow classmates as we explored and grew in our faith! Being on the leadership team helped stretch me out of my comfort zone and truly grow in my faith.
One faculty or staff mentor or advisor who impacted my ‘Berg experience is Professor Scott Miller because he really puts an effort into working with his students and advisees to guide them for not only their time in college, but also life beyond college.
My advice to new freshmen would be don't be afraid to get involved! The campus is full of amazing groups and clubs!
My favorite Heidelberg memory is Labor Stay Weekend Karaoke every year with my friends!
My plans after graduation are to attend BGSU in the fall for the Master’s in Accountancy Program.